Theater stages come in various forms, including the traditional proscenium stage, thrust stage, island stage, and the black box stage. Due to the different stage forms, the lighting configurations also vary accordingly.

The most common stage is the proscenium stage. The lighting requirements for the stage vary depending on the type of performance. Therefore, before configuring the lighting, it is crucial to understand the primary type of performance that will be held on the stage. For example, if the stage is primarily used for traditional opera and ballet performances, the lighting configuration must meet the requirements for these types of performances. For large-scale musicals, acrobatic shows, and other special programs, in addition to the basic lighting requirements, special lighting positions and configurations should be added according to the specific program needs.
Let's explore what types of lighting can achieve various lighting effects!
Front Light:
Installed outside the stage curtain, on the ceiling above the audience. It includes the first and second front lights, rear balcony front lights, and central spotlights. Front light is essential for the stage, mainly casting light towards the front performance area (about 8-10 meters behind the main curtain line) to create three-dimensional effects for characters and objects on stage.
Recommended lights: LED PAR lights, profile lights, LED studio floodlights.
Side Light:
Supplementing the front light, installed on the sides of the audience balcony. The light casts from the sides towards the front performance area.
Recommended lights: LED PAR lights, profile lights, LED studio floodlights.
Cross Light:
Located on the left and right sides outside the main curtain, near the stage mouth. Light casts from the sides towards the stage performance area, similar to front light, crossing into the center of the performance area to enhance the three-dimensional effect of the scenery, props, and characters. This light is indispensable for the stage and is particularly useful as a follow spot for dancers, moving with the performers. Cross light should reach every part of the stage.
Recommended lights: LED spotlights, LED floodlights.
Top Light:
Spotlights installed on the top behind the main curtain, generally on a movable bridge or batten, mainly casting light towards the middle and rear performance areas. It is used in situations requiring strong illumination from above.
Recommended lights: LED spotlights, LED floodlights, LED PAR lights, LED tri-color lights.
Back Light:
Light cast from the opposite direction of the stage (such as top light and bridge light), outlining the contours of characters and scenery, enhancing the three-dimensional and transparent effect, and serving as a specific light source. Backlight can outline the shape of the object, separating it from the background, and forming a bright line at the edge of the object's shape, enriching the scene.

Foot Light:
Installed at the lip of the stage outside the main curtain, casting light from the stage floor upwards onto the performers' faces or illuminating the lower part of the curtain when it is closed. It compensates for the steep angle of the front light, eliminating shadows under the nose, and enhances artistic modeling for the performers, compensating for the deficiencies of top and side lights. When the curtain is closed, it casts light on the lower part of the curtain and can change the curtain's color using colored light.
Recommended lights: LED floodlights.
Sky Row Light:
Installed on the hanging bars above the stage in front of the cyclorama, designed specifically to cast light on the cyclorama for sky scenery. It requires sufficient brightness due to its use for sky scenery.
Recommended lights: LED floodlights, LED sky row lights.
Ground Row Light:
Installed on the stage floor in front of the cyclorama or in a specially designed trench, casting light upwards onto the cyclorama. Rows of lights are evenly placed on the floor or in floor trenches at the back of the stage, illuminating the sky and the horizon to create an "infinite distance" effect.
Recommended lights: LED floodlights, LED sky and ground row lights.
Movable Light:
Lights placed on the stage floor with stands, capable of moving around as needed. Located at the side wings of the stage, they aim to enhance the atmosphere and can be adjusted temporarily.
Recommended lights: LED moving head lights.
These are the basic lighting configurations and effects.For more information, please follow our Betopper official website, or our official YouTube account