Betopper LB150 150w Beam Moving Head LED Stage Light

セール価格$ 259.00 USD

12-month Warranty | 60-Day Return Policy

  • LCD panel with auto and sound modes.
  • Easy install with flexible mounts.
  • 1.72° beam outshines standard 200W lights.
  • Professional performance for versatile settings.
Plug: US
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Estimated delivery time : 5-10 bussiness days.

@DC Audio Video Lighting

If you’re a pastor, a worship leader, or maybe you own a small music venue and are looking to add some dynamic lighting to your stage, this is a great fixture to consider. That’s exactly what I did! I took these out to my smaller beer garden, and everyone was really excited about the results.

@DJ Lighting with Kris

This is an unboxing and demo of the Betopper LB150 Beam Moving Head fixture. Let's check this thing out.

@Charly Rodriguez

Betopper una empresa de dedicada a la iluminación profesional se une al canal y nos envían estas cabezas móviles de 150w perfectas para cualquier setup que montes.

Take a closer look

Betopper 150W LED Beam Light

Built with professional-grade materials, ensuring durability and reliability, making it versatile for DJs, stages, clubs, and theaters, while being lightweight, portable, and easy to install in any setup.

Unmatched Brightness

Specialized optical design projects an ultra-tight 1.72° beam. Paired with a high-brightness, efficient LED source, it delivers an impressive 115,000 lux at 3 meters—Comparable to the brightness of conventional 300W LED beam lights.

Comprehensive and Professional Lighting Features

It features a full LCD display for easy manual control, along with a gobo wheel, color wheel, and dual-layer prism, and advanced dimming and strobing effects. With multiple modes, including DMX control, sound activation, and three auto modes, delivering every effect required for professional lighting applications.

Sleek Design with Superior Optics

Its compact size houses a huge 10mm lens for exceptional brightness, with flexible clamp and M12 screw installation options. A quiet fan and fast rotation ensure smooth, silent operation.

Scene Display



If you have other questions, you can contact us at any time.

Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 9am-6:00pm.

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Clint A.
LB150 Lights C Great Performance!

So took the plunge and did a club install with 8 LB150. We shall see how they last in this environment..

Jacob T.
Perfect for Live Events

I used the Betopper 150W LED Beam for a recent concert, and it was perfect! The brightness is excellent, and the narrow beam looks stunning with haze. Its a reliable piece of gear, and Id highly recommend it to anyone doing live events.

Reto S.
Good and very affordable

Very good light output for this compact device. Has beautiful colors. Very good price/performance ratio.
Fast and problem-free delivery to Europe. Already more Movers ordered.

Emily C.
Powerful Beam with Sharp Focus

The Betopper 150W Beam Moving Head Light is incredible. The beam is very strong and cuts through any ambient light, which makes it perfect for bigger venues. The movement is fast and precise, and its very easy to operate.

Pascal L.
Excellent produit

Petite lyre légère et compacte, mais très puissante. Je suis très satisfait de mon achat. Je recommande ce produit

Josh F.

What can I say… I got these lights and they are tiny, light weight, portable and BRIGHT!!!
They don’t even need smoke or haze to create beams, the light is so bright that theses are created either way.

Definitely recommend! YouTube video placeholder
Solid, Versatile, Simple (or at least as simple as these thing get...)

The first thing to know about this light is that it is pretty good quality, a solid sem-pro level. For the uses outlined in the listing it is probably a decent choice. It has some limited plug and play options which could be satisfactory for certain purposes, and a near infinite combination of features to create a specific mix or mood.

The unit powers up and function straight out of the box, sits solidly on a flat surface like a floor or a DJ stand thus making it an easy portable set up. It comes with a mounting bracket and a safety cable for overhead mounting, and can be programmed to work in an inverted position from a simple menu choice.

There are a number of preprogrammed random automatic modes using various gobo patterns which are easy to access. In that respect it could be a plug and play -- put it on "auto" and provide random color effects throughout a room. Supplemented by a few other less pricey lights and the moving head is a sort of light multiplier providing effects in different parts of the room with only one light. Of course This is probably the least interesting use for this light, as it has a great deal of versatility and programmability.

The various automatic modes are slightly confusing. The pattern labeled "calm" I would have called "slightly frenetic" and I did not see a significant change for the one labeled "romantic." (Maybe more red light and a few more heart gobo moments.) The setting labeled "energetic" was definitely that, and would likely work well with music that was loud and fast just fine. The point being that automatic is there, but again the value lies in the versatility and programmability

The internal menus which are usually incredibly difficult on an item like this are slightly less annoying than usual which is a good thing. The issue that comes up is that, as with many items like this that are set up to be run off of commands from a console, manually setting the details is a bit tedious. Many, many parameters need to be set using units that take some practice or prior knowledge to manipulate without frustration.

This is, thus, not a unit you can manually program on the fly. If you manually program settings and patterns that you like, it will save it. But the versatility of the unit means the manual programming element is fairly complex.

Having said that, a DMX connection provides a great deal of control, and faster changes. However some experience with DMX will be needed to make sense of the instructions. (Indeed, this may not be the best DMX lighting fixture to be your first experience with that process.)

To add to the versatility the unit can be run on DMX, manual, automatic (as set above), and master/slave units. It purportedly has a "music response"function which we have not had the opportunity to test yet.

In the scale of things there are pieces of equipment that are strictly "consumer" level for home use, higher-end consumer level goods that sometimes get called "pro-sumer" for their professional quality or features. or price tag. This fixture is one step above even that -- what I would call semi-pro or "small pro" user level. Overall a nice functional piece of equipment for a DJ or similar setting, but probably not going to see it on tour with an arena event.

David F.
Brillante Lichtshow fr Partys und Events

Der Betopper LED Moving Head Light ist ein leistungsstarkes und vielseitiges Ger?t, das jede Party zum Highlight macht. Die 12 Farben, 13 Gobos und rotierenden Prismen erzeugen eine beeindruckende Lichtshow. Die Bedienung ist einfach und intuitiv. Das Ger?t ist robust und langlebig. Ein Muss fr alle, die gerne feiern und fr Stimmung sorgen m?chten.

Se f.
Buona qualit costruttiva

Questa luce mobile ha diverse modalit di funzionamento. Puoi usarla in modalit DMX per un controllo completo o semplicemente impostarla in modalit automatica per un'illuminazione pi semplice. Un'altra funzione che mi piaciuta la modalit Sound Mode, che fa s che le luci si sincronizzino con il ritmo della musica. Questo particolarmente utile per creare un'atmosfera festosa senza troppa fatica. Grazie ai 12 canali DMX, puoi esplorare una variet di effetti luminosi e giochi di luce.

La costruzione della luce buona; pesa meno di 5 kg e ha un corpo in plastica dura che sembra abbastanza resistente. La staffa in metallo utile per montarla su una trave. La luce anche dotata di un prisma e offre 12 colori diversi, il che significa che hai molte opzioni per personalizzare la tua illuminazione.

Nella confezione ho trovato la luce stessa, una staffa di montaggio e le istruzioni per l'uso. Non c'era un controller DMX incluso, il che un piccolo inconveniente, ma un acquisto separato abbastanza comune per chi lavora con luci sceniche.

Le dimensioni sono compatte, il che un vantaggio per il trasporto e l'installazione. Pensa a un'illuminazione che pu essere facilmente maneggiata e posizionata senza occupare troppo spazio.

- Buona qualit costruttiva.
- Facile da usare anche per principianti.
- Modalit Sound Mode molto efficace.
- Diversit di colori e pattern.
- Movimenti pan e tilt fluidi.

- Non include un controller DMX.
- Pesa un po' rispetto ad altre luci simili.

cesar b.
Projecteur Tte Mobile DMX 512 RGBW. Animations lumineuses Spectaculaires ! Mode Son autonome

J'ai test ce projecteur tte mobile DMX 512...

Je me demandais si j'allais pouvoir le faire fonctionner; car je n'ai pas contr?leur DMX.
Mais ce projecteur dispose d'un cran de configuration... qui m'a permis de voir qu'il peut aussi fonctionner en automatique, sans liaison DMX.
En effet, le menu "Sound" fait appel au micro incorpor de l'appareil... pour gnrer de lui-mme des animations couleur dynamiques.

En diffusant de la musique niveau plut?t lev... et aprs avoir mont la sensibilit de l'appareil; le spectacle commence. Ce projecteur a le sens du rythme ! Plus que ce que j'aurai cru...

Sur une session Live de Gogo Pingouin... On peut dire que ce projecteur a su raliser une mise en lumire, la hauteur de la dynamique sonore de ce groupe de musique. Je me suis rgal !
La varit des projections colores (gr?ce aux 12 Gobos), permet de ne pas avoir des animations trop rptitives. Combins aux mouvements 3D dynamiques hyper ractifs du projecteur... le spectacle lumineux qui accompagne la musique est permanent, sans tre lassant. Merveilleux !

A la mise en service, j'ai cependant t confront un dysfonctionnement lors de l'initialisation du projecteur... avec le voyant rouge "error" allum; et l'inclinaison de la tte qui ne fonctionnait pas. Cela tant confirm par la fonction "Tilt" dcoche dans la check-list d'initialisation.
J'ai donc dcid d'ouvrir le projecteur... Cela m'a permis de voir comment il est constitu. Et je n'ai pas t d?u !
Le mcanisme interne est impressionnant. Des grosses lentilles, des prismes, des disques en mtal perfors pour les gobos, des moteurs, des pignons (plastique) et leurs courroies crantes; et bien s?r des cartes lectroniques et leurs connexions.
L'appareil tant trs bien ordonn, il m'a t facile de reprer le capteur d'initialisation du basculement de la tte. Il fonctionne par dtection d'un petit aimant insr dans un pignon. En fait, l'aimant passait un peu trop loin du capteur... qui ne s'allumait pas.
Sans doute une tolrance de montage un peu trop grande ? Impossible de dmonter facilement ce bloc... Mais en pressant dlicatement dessus, mais assez fermement pour le rapprocher; j'ai pu le faire fonctionner : Plus d'erreur, ni de grognements inquitant... lors de l'initialisation. Ouf !

Je n'enlve aucune toile, car ce projecteur est vraiment Gnial dans son mode de fonctionnement et sa qualit de conception... Il est mont robuste avec une base en mtal lourde. On peut le poser sur une table bien stable, ou le fixer solidement suspendu. La structure du projecteur aussi est en mtal, recouverte de capots plastique de qualit. Ce projecteur parait d'excellente qualit !

A noter que la tte est quip d'un ventilateur vitesse variable... pour le refroidir. Car la puissance lumineuse du projecteur est assez consquente. Mais le bruit de ventilation est largement couvert par la musique; donc cela ne gne pas l'usage. D'autant plus que la ventilation s'arrte rapidement lorsqu'il n'y a plus de son...

Je suis vraiment conquis par ce projecteur tte rotative. Je le conseille vivement pour dynamiser les spectacles audio... Vous n'en serez pas d?u !